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A critical look into the scarcity mindset

Writer's picture: Sabali WanjikuSabali Wanjiku

Updated: Jan 13, 2020


The scarcity mindset is the belief that there will never be enough. It grows in thought and shows up in our actions. We begin to act from a place of lack.

I don’t remember when we were first introduced to scarcity as children but I know it has been a part of us since our childhood. Having to rush for meals in school was one of the worst ways to expose us to scarcity. Missing out on meals because you did not run or push others registered in our minds that there would never be enough. Somehow even under different circumstances in adulthood, we still face scarcity. In our minds, we believe resources are not enough. We end up holding on to what we have so dearly because who knows whether we will get another chance.

Art by Sabali Wanjiku
Lord is Coming lyrics by H.E.R

We hold on to opportunities, people and resources in fear because scarcity is all we know. We see life as having only so much and have never allowed ourselves to see abundance and it stunts us on so many levels. In this post, I will look into some of our actions that reflect scarcity, its effects and how we can switch our thinking from scarcity and abundance.

Instances where scarcity exists:

In our speech;

Limited basic needs;

Delayed and denied justice;

Unhealthy competition over necessities; and

Shortages (electricity and water)

Signs that we are struggling with a Scarcity mentality

The belief that other people succeeding lowers the chances of us succeeding

In school, we had the reward system that only picked a few out of the entire class to reward. This made us believe that the chances to succeed were very limited. As we grow into that, we realize that we feel threatened when other people succeed. We see it as an indication that there is one less chance to succeed, get that promotion or get that bonus. We, in turn, feel envious and refuse to share what we know with our colleagues and friends because they might get the reward while we miss out. It might show up in us not sharing credit where it is due in fear that you might have to compete with your teammates for a reward.

Blog art by Sabali Wanjiku
Wellness with Sabali

The truth of the matter is that people around you succeeding means that you know people who are receiving recognition and chances are you are on the right track.

The belief that situations are permanent

We forget that change is inevitable and instead choose to dwell on the lack that we are currently experiencing. I know how this feels. It’s easy to fall into giving up and being okay with how things are but when it gets to the point where you are giving up, you should seek help and it is as easy as talking to your parent or someone you care about. They too have been in situations that were very low points for them and that’s the thing, it is just a situation and it will pass. Those ideas of things remaining as they are limit us from being persistent and consistent. They come from a place of lack.

Wellness with Sabali- Art

You compare yourself to others

Well if you are like me, you are just ticking all the boxes (this just means more work is needed from both of us to fix this). Scarcity makes us look to others; not for inspiration but to beat ourselves up. We see how people are living and we think of how we might never get to that point seeing as we are in the dark space where scarcity is written all over our minds and shows in our speech and actions.


Immediately we get paid, we want to spend it all. We want to overindulge and enjoy it all now on pleasurable items because we are not sure we will be able to afford them later. How we spend money clearly shows whether we are operating on a scarcity mindset or otherwise. We’re not sure of tomorrow so we want to stay in the present. If we operate on the scarcity mentality, then chances are that we will act on the belief that pleasure will cure our scarcity. We forget that the overindulgence in pleasure will lead us straight back into the cycle of scarcity.

Your definition of success is beating everyone else

If success to you is a solo affair, then it means you are living in scarcity. The belief that there is only room for a few (something society tricks us into believing) comes from a place of scarcity. Redefining success is important and I feel that once we solely link it to money then we might always think and act from a place of scarcity.

You do not plan for the future

Most of the time, our idea of instant gratification comes from a place of lack. We would rather spend than invest because the future is so uncertain. We would rather gift ourselves now and worry about tomorrow when it comes. Investing is something that people with a scarcity mindset rarely do. Taking risks is not something a scarcity-minded person would do. Not even calculated ones. What if it never comes back? What if I don’t live to see 50?

I was once faced with this challenge and it made me really see how thinking along scarcity line can be detrimental. A few months back, we decided to get studio softboxes to improve on our lighting and they were expensive. My first thought was all the things I could buy with that money. I was then reminded of how the temporary purchases I would make would not be as good an investment as purchasing those lights. Looking back, I am grateful I did not splurge and instead bought items that will serve me and even help me earn a few coins.

You postpone joy

Foreboding joy is a concept I discussed in a previous post. We are scared that the good times will not last and so we anticipate the worst and focus all our energy on having everything under control (impossible but we do not quit) instead of staying present.

It is hard for you to let go

This is another sign of scarcity. We hold on to resources we do not need, people who do not serve our well-being and positions we have clearly outgrown. Fear creeps in. What if we need the old clothes that we have since outgrown now in future? What if we do not get someone else to love us (even we are settling for the bare minimum)?

Art by Sabali

The effects of thinking along scarcity lines are numerous.

They include:

Engaging in unnecessary competition

If we believe there will never be enough then even where there is enough for all, you will find people always fighting for resources that are adequate and greed easily affects us as a society and we find that others miss out on basic needs because others are always operating under the scarcity mentality.

Stunted growth

Learning becomes hard because people want to hold on to their old methods of doing things that worked in the past. We are scared to make mistakes which grow us as we learn because we are scared that we might get fired or demoted.

Low creativity levels

Fear does not allow creation. We want to hold on to the old methods that worked and forget that times are changing and that we need to adapt. This only means that we will not grow and be equipped for changing times both at work and at home.

Lack of self-control

If we operate on the mentality that there is never enough, we will overindulge and spend at the expense of a better future for ourselves.

Missing out on making true meaningful connections

If we get caught up in the mentality of scarcity, we will live in such negative spaces that do not encourage us to make friends and meaningful connections. This is because people can see it physically if you are constantly in fear, anxious and stressed. It will also be in your tone and your words. Furthermore, your actions will show that you are all about scarcity thinking. Let’s face it sometimes when we are thinking and acting along lines of scarcity we don’t even like ourselves. Then we should not be surprised if the connections we make are with like-minded people who have also embraced scarcity.

We live in fear

We are scared to try new things, to enjoy the present and even to speak up because we fear rejection and change. Fear limits us on so many levels and it is not easy to hide.

We are anxious and stressed

If there is never enough for you then there is no way you will be at peace. You will always be chasing things, forgetting your priorities and missing out on the good things that are happening right before your eyes.

It does us more harm than good to dwell on scarcity and that is why a shift to thinking in terms of abundance is important. Most of the times it is capitalism at play when they feed us these ideas that there is very little room for success for all of us to experience it. They don't teach us that wealth is unattainable with their currency (my fellow H.E.R stans know what song I got this from). We need to redefine success and include love, health and peace to that definition. Things that we can acquire regardless of class and any other box they may decide to put us in.

If you are currently on the mentality that there is never enough, I know it feels heavy carrying all that anxiety and fear. Please remember you are not alone in this and that you could be a lifeline for someone who is sinking in scarcity just from you deciding to take the necessary steps to make a shift.

Here are some of the ways we can consciously move towards a positive attitude of abundance.


“Gratitude is a must”-Koffee

You are missing out on a lot by thinking there is never enough. Think about the things that you have in plenty. Family, friends, life, health, peace and your sanity. Stay in that positive space for as long as you can and always make it something you do on a daily. Whether it is a short gratitude prayer every morning, whether it is writing it down or expressing it verbally to those who bring you joy. With time these good things will pour into the areas that are dark and you will experience and acknowledge the abundance and see that it is not something impossible to achieve.

2. Being happy for others

It will not take away from what is meant for you. There s no doubt about that. Celebrate with them and feel encouraged to grow and receive your flowers.

3. Being careful of your circle

Your friends should be people who assure you of abundance and are happy when others win. They should be people willing to build and create abundance.

4. Engaging in activities that involve sharing

Be it sharing of material things or ideas, being in such spaces flexes our sharing muscles. We expose ourselves to the positive impact that comes with helping and sharing and it encourages us to apply the same to other areas of our lives.

5. Reduce media consumption

I recently read a post that said that the grass is always greener on Instagram. It honestly made me laugh a little but I got the message. If we are going to overindulge in social media, we are opening ourselves up to a lot of comparisons. The most absurd thing is that we are comparing our entirety to the highlight of other people’s lives. This is whether we like it or not. Even the strong fall victim. I feel that your social spaces should be regularly curated. You should make sure that after you close these social apps you feel inspired and motivated instead of inadequate and anxious. Late last year I did a post on unplugging but if this is not for you then just make sure you are in tune with your emotions when on these sites and are careful to know what is enough for you.

6. Change of mindset

Your mind id the first thing you should change. Realize that scarcity is a belief system which can change. We also know for a fact that nothing in life is permanent save for change so whatever phase we are in at the moment does not dictate our future unless we decide to let it manifest. Yes, dark thoughts will come and you will feel scarcity creeping back in but this is where being mindful comes in. Note how you feel when slipping into that dark space and remind yourself of how scarcity has limited you in the past and have your own special way of pulling yourself back. Pick up your phone and share how you feel with someone who you trust, pull yourself back to being grateful for life and health or create-your mind is a great example of something that you have in abundance. Do what you need to do not to dwell on scarcity and find your way back to light and abundance.

Blog Art by Sabali

I wish you all the best in making that change to abundance. May you never forget that it is a journey, a healing one which is never linear but slowly and consistently we remind ourselves to stay in the light.



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